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Creating A Small Patio With Pavers For Our Grill/Easy DIY Yard Project

Pallets are useful around the yard but the new grill and yard updates we had planned definitely warranted something more. The porch is small and needs to be replaced so relocating the grill in front of the chimney seemed to be the best option. I also like it there because of the heat it puts off.

I have several ideas where these pallets could be put to better use.

This is a look at the back of my home approximately halfway down the yard.  The rocks outlining the picnic table in the foreground will, hopefully, soon become our outdoor pea stone patio. That will be another blog.

When we went shopping for something stable that would compensate the uneven ground, my husband had the foresight to purchase thick bricks. This ended up working so well. The ground on the right side is almost four inches higher then on the left. So after he had leveled the area off only one layer of brick was needed. Less bricks to buy and haul home!

Here are all sixteen bricks in place and for the most part leveled. A nice updated platform for the grill that was under $20.00. I love small, quick jobs like this:)

Remember this?

You can really appreciate the slope of the ground once you step back. Now my next step will be to find some type of awning and possibly a create little stone walk to the new patio…

Thank you for stopping by:)
