Cooking,  Sweet And Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

The Best Sweet And Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

I love to cook with pumpkin during the Fall season. The big “Jacks” we carve definitely aren’t as good to cook with as the smaller sugar or pie pumpkins but the seeds are great when well seasoned and roasted.

After going through the trouble of cleaning these big guys out, make sure you treat yourself with theses tasty, sweet and spicy, crunchy treats. It’s a nice alternative to candy once you’ve had your fill after Halloween.

 To clean the seeds put them a bowl of warm water and swish them around. ( I use my hands) After a few minutes the pulp will start to separate from the seeds and they can easily be scooped out leaving the pulp behind.

Spread the cleaned seeds in a single layer on a cookie sheet to dry overnight. Use more then one sheet if necessary. Its best if the seeds are not overlapping. They may not be completely dry the next day but they will be dry enough to roast well.

Place the newly dried seeds into a big enough bowl so they can stirred around easily.

Add to the bowl of seeds:

  • 1-2 tsp olive oil
  • 1-11/2 tbsp dark brown sugar
  • 1/2-1 tsp salt
  • 1/8-1/4 tsp black pepper
  • a large pinch of cayenne pepper

Give everything a really good stir to combine.

The best way to cook these seeds to a nice crisp without any burned parts is low and slow. I like 300 degrees Fahrenheit in my oven.

Spread them out in an even layer on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet.  Again make sure they aren’t overlapping and use two sheets if necessary. Stir them around every 10-15 minutes until dry and crisp. Mine took a full hour to complete. 

Store the seeds in an air tight container and enjoy! I kept mine on my entry table by my front door as part of my Fall and Halloween decorations. I get to snack on some each time I come and go:) They are also great with granola or trail mix or sprinkled on oatmeal and yogurt.

Thank you for stopping by and reach out to me if you have any questions. I also have a video on this recipe on my You Tube Channel,  Our High Street Home.