Room Makeovers,  Teen Bedroom

My Daughters Bedroom Goes From Little Girl Room To A Young Teen Space

We reached the point in time when my daughter, who was just turning 14, was wanting to update her bedroom to reflect her current likes and interests. This makes the task of changing the room much easier when there is an end product in mind. When she started talking about the changes she wanted to make, I directed her right to Pintrest. We sat down and established what color she wanted the walls, after which we pinned about a dozen bedrooms that caught her eye. Doing this helps soooooo much when trying to stay on track and not get distracted with all the other decorating ideas available out there. Truth be told its the only way I have found to keep myself focused on a project. I did the same thing when updating our bedroom last year and plan to do the same with all the areas of my home we want to refresh in the near future.

Here is a peak at what her bedroom looked like after the last update.

These pictures were taken right after it had been painted and transformed to her little girl room. Two walls a bold pink and the other two an earthy green. It may sound like an odd combination but it worked. It is sparsely decorated in these shots but they were the only available images I had for this comparison. Much more had been brought in through the years.

Letting me know she wanted to make these changes before Christmas was the best thing she could have done. Once she had settled on the theme of the decor she wanted we were able to let people know what she wanted for Christmas which was largely in part bedroom decor . She received items such as lamps, wall decor and a small quilt for her bed which was made to fit into her new color theme.

As luck would have it her birthday is not long after Christmas. Since we planned to do the majority of the bedroom work during her Winter break from school, we were able to get more of the bedroom items she wanted again as gifts. I hadn’t planned any previous room makeovers like that before but I will definitely think ahead and do it again! It helped to bring this project together so much quicker. Not only that, because we saved so much money on decorations and storage items, we spent more money and bought better paint then we normally buy. Lesson learned, you get what you pay for when purchasing paint. What a difference higher grade paint makes. Not only is the coverage amazing but they are very pigmented and clean up better when stains occur.

Behr Muscat Grape is the color she chose for her walls. Here are some pictures so you can see the colors we were covering and how this new color transforms this room. 

This isn’t a color I would have ever chosen. I was concerned it would make the room to dark. But with the white moldings and flipping the ceiling fan paddles over to the white sides, it kept the room from feeling closed in and dark. We also bought some new valances and she rearranged the furniture which you will see later in this blog. They both had a huge impact on the space.

So the following pictures will give you a good idea of what we have accomplished so far and the direction in which we were heading.

I would love to be able to stage this room so you could appreciate the decor and her pretty idea of stacking raw wood crates in the corner for storage but being this isn’t my room to arrange and stage, I’m forced to take the pictures when I can get them and leave the room the way I found it. How can I argue when she did the all the furniture rearranging, decor and did most of the work painting herself! Quite an accomplishment for a 14 Year old. I’m so proud:)

Here are some of the things I did to keep the cost of this room makeover down:

  • I think the most important thing to remember is to plan ahead. If you know the look your going for try to obtain a picture. It definitely doesn’t have to be exactly what you want but if the colors and decor are your style and you love the way the room makes you feel when you look at it, it’s so much easier to stay focused on your goal when your shopping for the space. 
  • If possible give people gift ideas around the holiday season or birthdays. Any gift you receive from someone is a blessing but personally I LOVE to give people something they need, want or could use when I’m giving a gift. In this case the stacked crates she wanted for storage were gifted from family.
  • If new furniture isn’t in the budget, think about rearranging what you already have and shop your own house.  I also love to look at Facebook Market place, estate and garage sales and antique stores. People get rid of some great things and much of what you will find need nothing more the a light clean and polish. If you like to DIY, like myself, those places are a gold mine. 
  • Watch for sales! I have the Amazon and Overstock apps on my phone and check out their specials almost weekly and even more so when updating a room. The last big item we purchased for this room makeover was the area rug for 70% off from Overstock. 

Pictured below are a few more random items we found and were able to use in this room update.

The lanterns came from our outdoor decor bin so they were free.  The lamps were a gift from a family member. The clock was an antique store find for $15 and the valances came from Amazon which were on sale for $12 a piece.  Since taking these pictures we have added in a few more decor items here and there and will probably continue to do so for a while. The room is still a work in progress so we are just keeping our eyes open while she is enjoying her refreshed space. 

Thank you so much for stopping by. If you would like to see more of this room please head over and watch my video on my  You Tube channel, Our High Street Home:)